Hello from the editorial desk of INFORM --- your trusted cocktail of talent insights, people moves, event recaps, ultra running shenanigans and general goings-on inside a niche headhunting company. What’s new? Well, quite a bit to be frank!
Shipping, LNG and internal team additions
We have added to our team for starters. Former colleague, shipping sector search maestro, Matt Atkins rejoined us, bringing a cool 20 years of search expertise to the mixer. This dovetails nicely with our inroads in LNG – a deep dive push we kicked off in 2018, and which led to us recently partnering up with Flame in Amsterdam.
Let’s talk risk and talent.
At the recent CXO Risk event in London, I had the opportunity to host a stream on talent changes in commodity risk. The format was interactive, round table-based with a frank and honest exchange on all matters relating to talent – current and future, the challenges company face in attracting and retaining the right people. Thank you Commodities People for the invitation to be part of the event.
Commodities Soirée 2019 – Geneva. Mais pourquoi pas!
Truly stoked to be co-hosting this event with Alessandro Sanos and all our friends at Refinitiv. You may recall we have done some interviews with these guys on commodity talent evolution (around impact of digitisation on commodity trading talent). This time it’s rather more social! We are joining forces to host the 2019 edition of the Soiree for the Geneva-based commodity crowd. And yes, you won’t be surprised to hear that there is a stream on talent too. However, the aim is less about learning and more about meeting and catching up with fellow professionals. The quality of the crowd is ace. This event is mostly relevant for traders, analysts, desk heads and C-suites. If you are interested in taking part, please follow this link here: https://bit.ly/2Zo88NI.
Running? Oh yes. Still going strong.
The recent Singapore visit to our office and clients out there included the Forest Force Ultra around the MacRitchie reservoir in Singapore. Early start, jet lagged to the hilt but bagged 8th position – gotta be happy. I decided to put the GoPro to good use around Singapore to shed some light on the merits of running vs jet lags. Aided by the locals who helped by holding the camera in places!
Next up is a classic. The Mozart100 in Salzburg, of course. A mountainous 109K taking place on Saturday 15th June.
Over to you. Dive in. And don’t forget to let me know what you think of our work here. Message me, message us, comment on LinkedIn, like, share etc. The hard work in putting it together is done – good things are better shared. And for us, your feedback is fuel.
All the best,
Jakob Bloch, CEO